Frequently Asked Question

Can I set a member of staff to never work for a specific client
Last Updated 8 years ago

On the Main Menu click on Staff Details, select the employee to be excluded, in the bottom left of the screen use the small sub menu' Excluded From'. Click 'Add' from the drop down box, select the Client, then select the Department or Ward. Click on one of the three options:

'Staff', 'Client', or 'Ours' this determines who made the decision to exclude the staff member from working at this location.

Fill in the client details.

Click on Save. The information should then appear in the box above. This member of staff will appear with a red icon next to their name when searching for staff to fill a booking at this location if the decision was made by the Client. If the decision was made by the the Agency or the Member of Staff, a yellow icon will appear next to their name on the Availability Search screens.

If when trying to Save this information you have an error message 'Ward not Selected' you will need to add the location or ward against this Client before you can set this exclusion.

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