Frequently Asked Question

How can I pay and charge mileage
Last Updated 8 years ago

Mileage can be paid to Staff and charged or not charged to the Client. You obviously cannot charge staff for transport and pay mileage

Mileage is set up by Client, so that mileage is specific to Clients.

Go to the Set up menu/ Pay Scales. Mileage Rates can be set up at 'Pay Levels' only. On the list of clients the Pay Level is in brackets after the client name.


Click on the Client Pay Level that you want to set up for mileage rates. In the centre frame information is shown relating to this specific client. Under the heading 'Travel' mileage is the first option. The first box is the rate you will pay staff per mile, the second box is the rate the client will be charged by you on your invoice per mile. Make sure that you put in a decimal point. ie 0.20 (for staff) 0.40 (for client). Also remember to click on the Update Pay Details button to update the record. This option allows you to enter different distances each time you process a timesheet according to the distance the staff member booked on this timesheet has to travel.


The limit can be capped differently for each client, as above the first box is the capped limit for Staff and the second box is for the capped limit for the Client. The entry required is a value ie £5.00 staff and £10.00 Client. Update Pay Details.

Max Mileage

This can be set if the client agrees to a maximum number of miles to be charged rather than a capped value.

Processing the Timesheet

When processing a timesheet the mileage is added in the centre box under the headings 'Mls Pay' and 'Charge'. The first box is for the number of miles to be paid to the member of staff, and the second box is for the number of miles to charged to the client. If the number of miles entered takes the value above the capped levels the amount will be capped to those set on the client under pay scales as detailed above.

If the number of miles entered under the staff Mis Pay keeps clearing when you enter the miles under the charge to client box, ' Transport There' and 'Transport Back' are probably both ticked. If these are ticked you need to untick them as it is not possible to charge staff for transport and pay them mileage for the same shift. However in this instance it is possible to charge the mileage to the Client whilst charging the staff member for transport.

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