Frequently Asked Question
Filling a booking using the availability screen
Last Updated 8 years ago
To allocate a memberf of staff to a booking using the Availability Screen.
On the Main Menu/ Availability Screen.
Dates with unfilled bookings can be found on the calendar highlighted in Bold. Click on the date on the calendar that is bold and a list of unfilled bookings will appear directly7 below the calendar. Select the booking that you wish to fill by clicking on the booking. The full booking information appears above in the box headed Booking Details, the qualification or grade appears both in the selected line of the booking, and also in the box above.
On the right of the screen are three sections:
If you click on any member of staff in the list, the staff details and photograph appear on the left of the screen, along with any comments you have written in the notes box.
When you have selected one or more members of staff from the list by ticking the box next to their names you are able to send a text to each person asking them to contact the office if they want to fill the shift.
If you have selected a member of staff and they have accepted the shift by phone simply press the Confirm button
On the Main Menu/ Availability Screen.
Dates with unfilled bookings can be found on the calendar highlighted in Bold. Click on the date on the calendar that is bold and a list of unfilled bookings will appear directly7 below the calendar. Select the booking that you wish to fill by clicking on the booking. The full booking information appears above in the box headed Booking Details, the qualification or grade appears both in the selected line of the booking, and also in the box above.
On the right of the screen are three sections:
- Nurses Previously Booked
- Nurses Available
- Nurses Unavailable
If you click on any member of staff in the list, the staff details and photograph appear on the left of the screen, along with any comments you have written in the notes box.
When you have selected one or more members of staff from the list by ticking the box next to their names you are able to send a text to each person asking them to contact the office if they want to fill the shift.
If you have selected a member of staff and they have accepted the shift by phone simply press the Confirm button