Frequently Asked Question

Update staff information from incoming texts
Last Updated 8 years ago

Staff information can be updated direct from the incoming text screen.

Click on the Unread Texts button at the bottom of the screen to read incoming texts.

Select the message that you want to update. The full message is shown below the list of texts.

Update Availability

The employees name should appear in the availability box and the current week commencing date is shown in the drop down box.

The 'Week Commencing' week can be changed using the drop down box, and should it be necessary the year can also be changed.

Select the dates(days of the week) you need to update by selecting the first date and while still on this field hold the left mouse button down and drag the mouse across to the last date. The complete selection will be highlighted in blue. Use the coloured buttons at the bottom to identify the information you are updating. The green buttons will fill in availability for shifts, either early, late, day, night, or any. The pink button signifies call the employee to discuss. When you click on any of the availability buttons this will add the availability. If you have made a mistake you can reselect the selection you want to clear and press delete on your computer keyboard. Use the same method to update training, refused, sick, holiday and not available.

Update Notes

Use the box on the right to make any relevant notes that you have been informed of by text. Click on the button Update Notes when you have entered the notes. These will appear in the notes box for the member of staff.

Messages with No Name

If you receive a message that has no name you can send a reply to the number given asking for the name. If the employee has given you the name in the content of the text you can update the mobile number using this screen.

Update Mobile Number

Select the text message from the list.

On the top right of the screen select the employee name from the drop down list.

The Update Mobile number button then becomes active. Once you have selected the employee name from the drop down box the telephone number should appear in the box below simply click on the update mobile button and this will update the staff record. You can also type in the new mobile number in the box directly below and the mobile number is then updated on the staff record when the update mobile button is clicked.

Update Email Address

Select the text message from the list. Select the employee name from the list. Type the email address from the text message into the box above the update email button and then click the button update email.

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