Frequently Asked Question

SMS Received Status Report
Last Updated 8 years ago

SMS Received Status

A report that displays the send and receive status of text messages sent from the system.

The report details the exact time and date that a text message was sent from the system and received on the nurse’s phone, as well as showing if the text message successfully reached the nurse’s phone or not.

To find the SMS Received Status report, you will need to navigate to the “Reports” section. To do this, look at the vertical menu bar on the left side of the screen.

Click the white box; a dropdown box will then appear. From here, click “Reports”.

You will notice that a set of icons will appear in the vertical menu bar. Click the icon that says “Spreadsheet Report”.

The “Spreadsheet Report” section will now load in the main section of the window. From here, look towards the middle-top of the window and locate the “Report” drop down box.

Click the arrow and locate the report called “SMS Received Status”

Once you have selected the report, click the “Load Report” button.

The report will now load.

Please note that when loading the “SMS Received Status” report, the page takes a few seconds to load, so please wait until this yellow message goes away until clicking any further.

Filter by Nurse Name

Another feature of the report is the ability to select or search for one nurse’s name, and load all of the text messages sent to that specific nurse. This will allow for easy searching of the report. This can be done in two ways: One way is by clicking the mobile number in the “Message Sent To” field. As shown below, you can see that the corresponding name of the nurse is also shown.

Then click the “Load Report” button.

Another way is by typing the nurse’s name in the “Staff List” drop down box

, then clicking the “Load Report” button again.

Filter by Status Type

Another way of filtering the report is by “Status Type”. For example, filtering by “Success: Message received on handset.” will only load the text messages that were successfully sent to the nurse and received on their phone. This is done by clicking a Status Type from the “Text Status” section towards the bottom of the screen.

After clicking the Status Type, click the “Filter By Status” button below, and the new report will load.

Filter by Date

A further way of filtering the report is between a range of dates. You can filter by a custom range of dates, or filter by “week commencing”. When you filter by date the report will load all of the text messages sent within that period. To filter by date, select the “from” and “to” range in the drop down boxes in the top right of the screen.

“From:” is the start date, and “To:” is the end date.

Once you have selected your desired range, click the “Load Report” button and the new report will load.

To filter by “week commencing”, click the “W/C” drop down box in the top right of the screen, and select the date you wish.

Click the “Load Report” button and the new report will load.

Filter by Error Code

Another way of filtering the report is by the error code. Filtering by error code will only show text messages that have the specified error code attached to them.

To filter by error code, you will need to look towards the bottom of the screen in the “Text Status” section. You will notice that there are various error codes, the description of those error codes, and the number of text messages that have specific error codes. The total number of messages with the specified error codes is based on the currently loaded report. For example, if you have previously filtered the report by two dates of 17/10/2016 and 19/10/2016, the only error codes that will show in the error code section are the ones that happened between those two dates.

Select the error code by which you wish to filter the report by clicking the error code.

Next click the “Filter By Error” button, and the new report will load.

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