Frequently Asked Question

How to import bookings
Last Updated 7 months ago

On the create bookings screen click on the booking drop down menu and select import bookings spreadsheet.


Navigate to where you have stored the file on your computer. (On windows it would be like your drives c:\users\yourusername\desktop if saved on your computer desktop. On mac and linux you'll need to map the folders you want to share with Pulse but will be something like your drives \\tsclient\documents)


A message will be displayed depending on the number of records this message could be displayed for a few minutes.


Once loaded a pop up window will appear displaying the records in the file and will give you the total number of recordsĀ .


If you notice something wrong with any of the records you can click cancel and edit the spreadsheet to correct any spotted error.


Click OK to start the import process.


The system will run a check availability for the staff that have been placed against a booking. (This may take some time depending on the number of records being imported)


Once the availability check has been done it will display any errors it has found. These errors will need to be corrected in the spreadsheet before you can import. You can click on the save errors button and it will save it to a log file. Press cancel to close the import process and correct the errors.

For example if it display ward in the column then the ward can not be matched to a location in the system.


Once the errors have been corrected and the import process and it is displaying 0 total errors you can click cancel to close the window.


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