Frequently Asked Question

How to link Pay Band to Qualifications
Last Updated 2 months ago

The reason for linking grade to qualification is so that the system can filter staff and still use the terminology that your client uses to place the booking.


For instance the client may request a 'Band 2' which is an HCA qualification now you can
further filter your staff by linking Band2 to HCA NHS, the system will then only select staff
that have a qualification of 'HCA NHS' eg


What you are doing is saying is that you only want to return staff that are qualified to work
in the NHS, this reduces the possibility of booking staff, selecting someone who should not
be sent to a hospital. It also means that staff can select the type of booking that they want
to be sent to or that 'Alerts' for shifts on offer are not shown to staff that would not be
interested in applying to fill the shift. This can also apply for clients with more than one
section e.g.
Section London - HCA_L
Section Bristol - HCA_B

This does not stop you from having multiple qualifications linked to the grade


In the above case both HCA and HCA NHS shifts can be offered to this member of staff
It is important that you decide how you want the filtering to work and you create a
qualification list that works for your company.

Qualification Section Client Result

So this would filter an HCA in London (L) section that can work or only wants to work for
the NHS.

Remember that this will require maintenance in that if changes are required then the more
complicated you make it more complicated it is, or time consuming, it can be to maintain.

When it come to raising the invoice then the system uses the grade which is what your
customer is expecting.


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