Frequently Asked Question

How can I setup a pay and charge rate to start from a certain date
Last Updated 8 years ago

This facility allows you to set a date for Pay and/or Charge increases in the future by Client, and for these rates to come into effect for all bookings placed from the commencement date of the new rates.

Go to Set up Menu/ Pay Scales. Click on the Pay Level that you want to change so that the Client or Group is highlighted in Grey.

Untick Show all Grades if this is ticked. You should now see only the grades supplied to this Pay Level. Click on the Individual Pay Grade under the heading Pay Band so that it is highlighted in blue, and the Pay and Charge Rates currently being applied will show in the top box to the right.

Click on the button Create Future Pay Rate a pop up box will appear asking you to 'Enter the date the rates are to start from' Enter the date for the new rates to start and click ok.

Refresh the screen

You will now see that the final date for the existing rate has changed to finish one day earlier than the date you entered for the new rate to start. This will be in the top box as a header and should look something like this:

RGN XXXXXXXX(31/08/2012 - dd/mm/yyyy) Where dd/mm/yyyy is one day prior to the new rate starting.

A new future pay rate will have been set up for a period of 1 year from the start date you entered. The initial values entered will simply be a copy of the existing rate. You now need to change this to reflect any changes for the new rate.

Select ' Future' from the lower box header and then select the new pay and charge rate you have created from the drop down list.

Change the rates as required in the lower box and when you are satisfied they are correct click Load Pay Rates. This will load into the top box. If you cannot see the rates at the top you may need to refresh the screen.

If the NI% and WTR% are not showing in the top box. On the Grey menu bar at the top select 'Rates' and 'Apply Standard Rates to all.'

Your new rates will come into effect automatically on the due date set.

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