Frequently Asked Question

Creating a Rota for a new client
Last Updated 6 years ago

  1. Make sure you have a group setup as 'Home Care'. To do this, go to the 'Clients' page. Select or Add a new Group. Right click the group and click 'Set Group As' -> 'Homecare'.
  2. Go to the 'Rota' menu. Then select 'Service Users' from the icon list.
  3. You will then need to add a new client on to the homecare group from the service users page.
  4. To do this, click 'New', then enter the clients: 'Firstname', 'Surname', 'Address' and 'Short Name'. You can enter the 'Post Code' into the field above 'Key Code' and to the right of 'Short Name'. Finally click 'Save'.
  5. Select the client you've added and click 'Edit', then click 'Update' just above the yellow bar.
  6. This will ask you to input the weekly contracted hours, then click 'Ok'.
  7. If you use Contact Codes you can enter it now, if not you can just click 'Ok'.
  8. Click 'Save' to save your new Contract to that client.
  9. Next you will need to add the shift template for the contract.
  10. Select your client, and click on the Template tab.
  11. Select the Contract the shift needs to be added to.
  12. Select the Grade required for the shift.
  13. Select Shift Type - Day, Night etc.
  14. Select Duration.
  15. Select Start Time, will auto fill End time from the Duration given.
  16. Select Staff - Double or Single cover.
  17. Check the day of the week boxes, so only days this shift applies to are ticked.
  18. Click Add.
  19. Repeat steps 7 - 15 for all necessary shifts.
  20. Once the template is setup, you are then ready to add your staff to the rota.
  21. Go to the 'Rota Template' page.
  22. Click 'Rota'. Type in the name of the rota / client. Click Ok. Leave required staff as 1. Click Ok.
  23. Select the created rota from the rota dropdown.
  24. Select the client the rota is used for, from the dropdown in the bottom left of the screen. Then click 'Add Client'.
  25. Click 'Yes'. A popup template will appear, click 'Add To Rota'. Click 'Yes'.
  26. Then click 'Yes' to allocating the ticked items to the rota.
  27. The clients shift patterns will then appear on the rota template.
  28. You have now added the shift template, and will need to add staff to the rota.
  29. To do this, middle mouse click on each shift the staff member should work. All selected shifts will be coloured grey.
  30. Then select the staff member from the staff dropdown. If will ask you to load rota for Staff - Click No.
  31. Hold shift and left click and hold down left click on the staff members name until you get a paper icon on the mouse. Drag onto one of the selected shifts, and it will add it onto all selected shifts.
  32. After adding a staff member to a shift, the shift will be coloured based on their colour. You can change their colour by selecting the staff members name, and clicking the 'A' button below where you would select the staff.
  33. Processing Timesheets.
  34. Go to 'Process Rotas'. The process Rotas popup will appear.
  35. You can select the week you wish to process from the W/C dropdown.
  36. Tick the rotas you wish to process for that week. Click 'Process Selected Rotas'.
  37. You can then view your booked rotas by going to 'Booking Rota'.
  38. If you select - Bookings from the grey menu bar then select 'Print Rota and Timesheet'.
  39. Then you will have the 'Rota Reports' window pop up. Select the W/C date for the rota you have just processed, select the Report from the Report dropdown, then click 'Load Report'.

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