Frequently Asked Question

Client Structure
Last Updated 8 years ago

The structure for setting up your client list is fundamental to the way you work. there are three levels, as shown at the bottom of this help article. Whether you refer to a Group or Trust, or a Client or Hospital, or a Location or Ward they are treated the same by the software and they are just headings.

Consideration has to be given to both Pay and Charge Rates when setting up Clients and Invoicing Levels.

Pay and Charge Rates An example for Pay and Charge Rate consideration is that you may pay and charge the same rates for all nursing homes, or you may have negotiated different rates of charge for each nursing home.

So you could set your groups as Nursing Homes Standard Rate, and Nursing Homes Separate Rates. Both with a list of Nursing Homes underneath.

Pay Scales are set up as defaults so for the above example, you would set up a default pay scale for each grade supplied for Nursing Homes Standard Rates, and then separate Pay Scale defaults for each grade for the Nursing Homes Separate Rates. This could then be amended separately for each unique Nursing Home under the Nursing Homes Separate Rates Group.

Invoice Levels Further consideration needs to be given as to how your Clients will be invoiced


Groups could be set up per the following example:

Private Nursing Homes

Bupa = Group

Bupa West Ham = Client

Senior Ward = Location

Tulip Ward = Location

Dafodil Ward = Location

Bupa Kensington = Client

Kitchen = Location

Bupa Kingston = Client

Southern Cross Homes = Group

Ivydean = Client

Slough Hill = Location

Mossdene = Client

Mossdene Rd = Location

Similarly Trusts could be set up as the following example:

Black County Partnership NHS Foundation Trust = Trust

BCP NHS = Hospital

14 Jury St = Ward

44 Pond Lane = Ward

Edward St ECT = Hospital

Edward St = Ward

Penn Hospital = Hospital

Cedar Ward =Ward

Dale Ward = Ward

Jasmine Ward = Ward

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