Frequently Asked Question
Installing Pulse on your MacOS device (Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 Version)
Last Updated 5 years ago
Downloading Pulse
Configuring Pulse on Microsoft Remove Desktop
If you get any 'Certificate' issues, click continue and ignore them.
- Download Pulse.
- This will download the file into the downloads folder.
- Download Link
- Go to your 'Downloads' folder.
- Double click on 'OSX.Zip'.
- The 'Pulse.Rdp' file with then be automatically extracted.
Configuring Pulse on Microsoft Remove Desktop
- Open 'Microsoft Remote Desktop 10'.
- If you don't have it, you can download it from the App Store.
- Search for 'Microsoft Remote Desktop 10'. Install it.
- How to install an app from the App Store
- Import your Pulse.rdp file.
- Click 'Connections' on the bar at the top.
- Import Desktops.
- Find the 'Pulse.rdp' file you downloaded, this should be in your downloads folder if you didn't move it in an earlier step. Click 'Import'.
- Your Remote Desktop for Pulse will now be available.
- Right click the new desktop you created. Click Edit.
- Click 'General'.
- Change the friendly name to pulse. If the user account isn't there or is wrong, click the user account name and click add an account and follow the steps.
- Click 'Display'.
- Setup your setting how you want.
- If you want to use all monitors for pulse - tick 'Use all monitors'.
- If you want pulse in full screen - tick .Start session in full screen'.
- Fit session to window means that in windowed mode pulse will fit the size of the window.
- Update the remote session resolution on resize means if you change the size of the window pulse will be resized to fit the full width and height of the window.
- Click 'Local Resources'.
- This is where you add the paths to folders that pulse files will be able to see.
- To create a new path. Start by clicking the plus icon.
- Find the folder that you want pulse to be able to see and interact with. If for example you want pulse to be able to see every folder that 'User' has access to, you can select 'User' and click 'Open'.
- This will create the path to 'User' and pulse will be able to see all folders that are subfolders to 'User'. Finally click 'Save' when you are finished.
If you get any 'Certificate' issues, click continue and ignore them.