Frequently Asked Question

Sending Texts
Last Updated 6 years ago

How To Single Text

  1. Go to 'Main' menu.
  2. Go to 'Staff Details'.
  3. Select the staff member.
  4. Click 'Text No'. This will be the text next to where you enter their mobile number.
  5. Enter your text message into the box.
  6. Click 'OK' to send your text.

How To Bulk Text

If a staff is excluded from bulk texting then, the only way to send them a text is only by sending a create booking text to them only or by using the 'How to send single text' method.

Bulk Texting For A Booking
  1. Go to 'Main' menu.
  2. Go to 'Create Booking'.
  3. Select the booking that you want to fill.
  4. Click 'Search Staff'.
  5. Select the staff that you want to send the bookings information to. You can do this 2 ways.
    • Click 'Menu' which is above staff list. Click 'Select'. You can now select either,'All', 'Previous', 'Available' or 'Possible'.
      • 'All' means, select all staff except staff that are not available or allowed to work there.
      • 'Previous' means, select all staff that have worked at that location previously.
      • 'Available' means, select all staff which are available on that date and on those times.
      • 'Possible' means, select all staff which could possibly be available for that shift.
    • Next to the Texting column you have two columns:
      • The First column is either T for true or F for false, meaning either the staff has or hasn't worked in the last 6 months.
      • The second column is either R or blank, R meaning they respond to text messages. For this to work you will need to update the work record, you can do this by going to: Setup -> Check Database -> Work Record -> Click 'Load Work Record.
    • Go through each staff individually, for any staff you want to text, click the box shown in the image.
    • Any staff you select with either way of selecting, will have an X put in their selection box.
  6. Click 'Text' which is above the staff list.
  7. Edit the text message how you want.
  8. Click 'Ok' to send the text.

Bulk Texting For Anything Else
Staff Search Way - One time use
  1. Go to 'Search' menu.
  2. Go to 'Staff Search'.
  3. You can filter which staff you want to send the text to by using the filters to the right of the staff list. You can filter by:
    • Staff status filter, this will only show staff who's status is ticked in the filter.
    • Section filter, this will only show staff from that section. You can override this filter by using the 'All Staff' checkbox.
    • Qualification filter, only staff who have the qualifications ticked will be shown.
  4. Click 'Select' on the grey bar at the top.
    • This will give you many different ways of selecting staff for different reasons.
    • This will only select any from the filtered list, and will not select any not in the list.
  5. If there are any staff you don't want to text, you can un tick them.
  6. Enter your text message into the text area.
  7. Click 'Send Text'.
Mailings Way - Multi use / Create a template
  1. Create a Text Template Steps in 'Standard Letters'.
  2. Go to 'Mailings'.
  3. When you go into 'Mailings', it will fill the list with your mailing list.
  4. Click 'All', this will select all staff in the list above.
  5. Select the 'Text' tab.
  6. Select the file below to text to staff.
  7. Click 'Send Text'.

Using the Expiry Report To Text Report
  1. Go to 'Reports' menu.
  2. Go to 'Expiry Information'.
  3. Select the tab you want to check. Training, Vaccination, Documents can be filtered at the bottom to just see the specific document you want to look at.
  4. Click 'New Mailing List'.
  5. Do you want to create a new mailing list? 'Yes'.
  6. Do you want to delete your temporary mailing list? 'Yes'. This will only show if you have a mailing list.
  7. Tick everyone u want to select, or click select all.
  8. Click 'Create Mailing List'.
  9. Follow steps in 'Bulk Texting For Anything Else'.

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