Frequently Asked Question
Where are the XML files I created during payroll
Last Updated 3 years ago
- Click this link to go to the FTP site.
- Enter you 'Username' and 'Password'.
- Enter you 'Username' and 'Password'.
- Open the folder named 'RTI Files'.
- Open the folder named 'Submission'.
- This will show folders which are named "Pay Period" + "Tax Year", for example if the pay period is weekly and the tax year is 2018/19 the folder name would be "WEEKLY 18-19". Open that folder.
- This will now have all weekly XML files in the 18-19 tax year.
- To find the correct file, the file name will be "your company name" + "the="" back="" to="" front="" date="" of="" the="" friday="" in="" week"xtagstartz="" strong="">