Frequently Asked Question
How to Check That Your Texting Service is Up and Running
Last Updated 7 years ago
Checking Your Texts
The texting system within Pulse requires regular checking to ensure that it is up and running as much as possible. The SIM cards can be quite sensitive and turn themselves off when they encounter multiple errors, so checking that the texts you're sending aren't producing errors is essential when keeping the texting system running smoothly.
There is a report you must use when checking the status of texts called 'SMS Received Status', located within the Spreadsheet Reports section of Pulse.
This report provides you with a detailed list of each text message and its status, including the error code if the message has produced an error. The report details the number of errors that messages have produced for the selected time period. You can use this to filter the report by that error code to determine when the last error was produced.
In the case that a message has the error code 21, you should remove that number from your system as it will cause you problems in the future if texts continue to be sent to it. To remove it, you can select the number in the table, then click the Remove Mobile Number button.
After the number has been removed, a message will appear on that person's booking notes informing anyone who sees it that the staff member's number is rejecting text messages. The number should not be added back onto the system until you know that the issues have been sorted out with the staff member's network provider, or they have got a new number.
Checking this report regularly is important. Ignoring any texting related issues will result in the SIM cards automatically turning themselves off and texts not being sent until your network provider is notified, or we are notified.
Opting Out Candidates Who Don't Want To Receive Texts
You also need to know how to opt candidates out of receiving bulk texts. If you are sending a large number of texts to candidates who don't want to receive them, there is a high likelihood that you will be reported by them as a nuisance and your SIM card disabled.
Go to the staff details page of the candidate who wants to be opted out and ensure that the BULK button on the Text No field is set to NO BULK.