Frequently Asked Question

How can I change pension rates and how the pension is calculated?
Last Updated 7 years ago

Changing Pension Rates for Employee and Employer Contributions

The system gives you the option to mass change pension rates for every candidate with a pension in your system.

To do this, you will first need to go to the Pension Providers screen located under the SetUp menu.


When you're in this window you must select your pension provider's name from the drop down box at the top.


Once you've done that the pension schemes and staff with pension list will load.


Go to File then Set Pension Rates.


A confirmation box will appear asking you if you want to set all of the pension rates for every employee to the default rate set in the Pension Schemes table above. Click Yes.


A message box should appear telling you that the rates were successfully changed.


Should and employee wish to increase the percentage that is paid into his or her pension scheme, they can add to voluntary contributions (EEA) e.g. if they want to increase from 1% to 5% then you would enter 4% in the EEA column to make the overall total 5%



The EEA percentage column is now updated, bringing the total percentage 5%.

In addition to the percentage allocated the system has two options to calculate pension contributions, either on Full Pay or Pensionable Earnings see below.

Changing How the Pension is Calculated (Using the Full Pay, or just the Pensionable Earnings)

The system also allows you to change how the pension is calculated. You can either set it to calculate based on the full value of all payments, or on a set list of "pensionable payments" (payment types that you have set to be used to calculate the pension).

Within the Pension Providers screen, you can set how the pension is calculated one a staff member by
staff member basis, or as a blanket change which effects everyone with a pension in the system.

To change the pension calculation for one staff member first find them in the list of staff members with pensions and select them so that they turn blue.

Just below that list is a check box labelled "Use Full Pay". Checking this will mean that the pension calculation will use the full payment value. Leaving it unchecked means that the pension calculation only uses payments that are considered to be pensionable. Click the Set Rates button to save any changes.


To do a blanket change to everyone who has a pension in the system, go to File, then Set Pension Calculation On and choose and option between Full Pay and Pensionable Earnings.


Click Yes on the message box to confirm the mass change.


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